Gender inclusion in innovation-based companies

Addressing barriers to participation

Making full use of potential and existing talent is essential in any innovation ecosystem. Although gender diversity has improved in recent years, underrepresentation of women is still a problem and is still evident in the low numbers of women involved in the teams that spin-out companies from our universities. Companies that participated in Advanced Oxford’s Attract, Retain and Grow study acknowledged that gender diversity is one of the challenges the innovation ecosystem of Oxfordshire is currently facing.

The Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice is part of Advanced Oxford member, Oxford Brookes University, and sits within the Business School.  The Centre specialises in research on equality and diversity issues in the workplace and in the wider labour market. The Centre is externally funded from a range of sources – the European Commission, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), EU Horizon 2020, Advance-HE and Human Rights Commission.

Advanced Oxford worked with The Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice and sponsored a PhD studentship, which was held by Hannah Tornow.  Hannah started her PhD in January, 2021 and was awarded her doctorate in autumn 2024.  We will be posted a number of blogs throughout Hannah’s research, which can be found on this page.


Research was conducted at three levels:

(i) at the level of the individual – through a survey

(ii) at the level of the organisation – through an interview

(iii) at the level of the ecosystem – mediated through ethnographic research methodologies (see Hannah’s blog on this subject below)

Data collection and analysis

Companies distributed an online, self-completion questionnaire to employees, either across the whole company, or within units/divisions where R&D or innovation activity is taking place.  The survey data aimed to understand how employees perceive the company environment and their own role in innovation.

Companies were asked to identify one key representative, e.g. C-suite member, site management, senior management or a senior member of the HR team for an interview which examined perceptions within the company relating to innovation, gender equality, organisational policies and culture.

Finally, ethnographic observation were also used. Meetings and events were observed to provide insight into the workings of the innovation ecosystem of Oxfordshire.

In addition to her thesis, Hannah has produced a report for business, which brings together findings from the research, and provides a set of recommendations for action.  The report was launched at Oxford Brookes University in September, 2024, following academic conference presentations starting in summer 2023.

The report and a toolkit, which contains material and resources designed to support companies in taking forward the recommendations, are available on Advanced Oxford’s website.Go to the report and toolkit

To find out more, please contact Hannah Tornow [email protected] or connect via LinkedIn.

Blog posts

Click here to read Hannah’s first blog on her PhD Click here to read Hannah’s latest update (October 2021) Hannah’s latest blog considers ethnography as a research technique (March, 2022) Click here for Hannah’s December 2022 blog Read Hannah’s blog about her summer 2023 ‘World tour’ of academic conference presentations

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