Attract, Retain, Grow

Building the skills and talent pipeline for Oxfordshire’s innovation ecosystem

Access to skills and talent – acquiring and retaining people – is one of the key drivers of growth and success for any organisation.  This issue is a high priority for Advanced Oxford members.

Advanced Oxford has used a mix of quantitative and qualitative techniques to collect, analyse and present data on the Oxfordshire innovation-based labour market. Our report, its findings and conclusions are based on data and research from May and October, 2021.

The research looks across a range of knowledge-based/innovation-based businesses.  As Advanced Oxford is not a sector specific organisation, the membership does not provide access to all sectors within Oxfordshire’s knowledge economy, so a range of businesses outside the membership has participated in the qualitative research.  This has been supplemented by quantitative data collection and analysis from across the Oxfordshire innovation economy,

Our research focuses on the following issues:

  • Hard to fill roles/higher level STEM scientific and technical skills.
  • Entry routes to careers, including the role of apprenticeships within the local innovation labour market.
  • An examination of the impacts of Brexit on the attraction and retention of talent.
  • A forward look to 5 years hence, asking companies to anticipate changing or new areas of skills requirements.
Download the report here: Click to read Attract, Retain, Grow.
Executive Summary Read the Executive Summary of the report here

The report contains a resources page, with useful information and links to local and national organisations, and skills providers.  You can also access this information here: Access information and links to skills organisations here

Image courtesy of Oxfordshire Advanced Skills

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