NHS and Government back AHSNs to lead innovation under new name

The Government and NHS England have confirmed their intention to relicense England’s 15 Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) under the revised badge of ‘Health Innovation Networks’ (HINs).


This change to Health Innovation Networks reflects the key role played by the networks in supporting development and spread of innovation across health services. NHS England will commission the Health Innovation Networks for a further five years from October 2023.


“It is a testament to the collective impact of AHSNs over the past ten years that our commissioners have issued a further licence. We welcome the opportunity and challenge this provides for our teams to identify, develop and spread innovations that meet the priorities of the NHS over the next five years.” – Professor Gary Ford, Chief Executive of the Oxford AHSN and Chair of the national AHSN Network.


Read more about the relicensing of AHSNs here

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