Discussing Oxford’s innovation ecosystem at UKPropFest

Taking place, at Bicester Motion on 9th September, Advanced Oxford members will be in full force at UKPropFest 2021.  A panel discussion on Creating the Oxford Innovation Eco-System will include panelists from our members The Oxford Trust, TWO – discussing the development of Oxford North and University of Oxford.  Oxford City Council completes the quartet of speakers, and Advanced Oxford’s MD, Sarah Haywood, will moderate.

The City of Oxford is experiencing a once in a generation development boom. Where are the developments planned and how do they satisfy the need for commercial spaces and affordable housing? And will the creation of innovation quarters be an opportunity for the City of Oxford to jump ahead in the race to attract the next generation of Start Up and Unicorn companies?


Tom Bridgman, Executive Director – Development, Oxford City Council

Anna Strongman, CEO, University of Oxford Development

Steve Burgess, CEO, Oxford Trust

William Donger, Director, Thomas White Oxford (Oxford North)

Find out more about the event :here


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