First Year Impact Report Released by The Didcot Powerhouse Fund

Didcot Powerhouse Fund donors, grant recipients and team are meeting on 2nd February to share the successful impact and progress made by grant recipients of the Fund in its first year of operation. Powerhouse grants directly benefitted 1,567 individuals and many more indirectly, under the theme of ‘Helping Children, Families and Young People as we emerge from the Pandemic’.  The full 2022 Impact Report is available here.

Powerhouse aims to address inequality locally and in 2022 the Fund shared £95,000 among 17 community led organisations for projects supporting Didcot and the local villages, which are now 100% underway. 208 community volunteers were instrumental in the delivery of these grant-funded projects and 63 new volunteers have been trained thanks to Powerhouse funding.

Projects addressed the very young, from babies and toddler age, right up to teenagers, helping them socially, educationally, and emotionally. Projects also enabled disadvantaged individuals to access personal development and learning support at key milestones in their lives. This has proved especially important for families who are facing a struggle with the rising cost of living but want to help their children develop and thrive into the future. Details of the 2022 grant recipients are here.

 It’s wonderful to see how the Powerhouse Fund has helped community and businesses to connect with each other. This has extended beyond simply donations, including offering young people vital training and work opportunities, and demonstrates the power of collaboration to increase the impact for our community

Local MP for Didcot and Wantage, David Johnston

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