Low carbon and environment business directory
This business directory holds details of innovation-based companies that are working in the low carbon and environmental goods and services sector, all of which have a base in Oxfordshire. This directory has been created through desk based research and is not an exhaustive list of all companies within the region.
If your company is missing you can submit details to Advanced Oxford using the form at the bottom of this page and we will be pleased to add you.
This directory has been created to support collaboration and networking across the sector.
About the business directory
The terms low carbon, clean, green, environmental, sustainable, and circular economy are frequently used with reference to companies within the industrial base. The term Low Carbon and Environmental Goods and Services sector (LCEGS) is used here and throughout Advanced Oxford’s research and report: Powering up for the green recovery. LCEGS is defined by the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) as providing “environmental products and activities, renewable energy and emerging low carbon activities such as alternative fuels, building technologies, nuclear power and carbon finance.” Companies within our directory sit across a range of industrial sectors. In addition, Advanced Oxford has looked to identify the companies that are knowledge-based in their approach. This means that the company is based on research, scientific knowledge and expertise, engineering, information technology and services, data, analysis or frequently a combination of these factors. To help drill down into the list of companies, Advanced Oxford has drawn up a list of broad classifications to identify the purpose or approach of the company. These are not sector definitions, as defined by ONS. Data on employment levels, reported as full time equivant (FTE) staff numbers, is difficult to find for most companies. Within the Directory we have attempted to place each company within a size bracket, based on the number of employees.
- All Sectors
- Agriculture
- Automotive/transport
- Construction
- Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing
- Energy research
- Engineering
- Engineering design
- Environmental Services
- Environmental Services/consultancy
- Information Technology & Services
- Life sciences
- Material science/chemistry
- Printing
- Renewables & Environment
- Social impact
CapGemini Engineering
Website: https://www.capgemini.com/gb-en/solutions/data-driven-rd-engineering-manufacturing-operations/
View moreOxford Metrics Plc (contains two other companies, Vicon and Yotta)
Website: https://oxfordmetrics.com
View moreSabe Technology (also operating through Sabe Applied Science and OxCam Engineering Arc)
Website: https://sabe.tech/appliedscience/
View moreWant to see your company listed here?
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