Innovation and Spinouts – Irene Tracey discusses the innovation ecosystem in new podcast episode

Mairi Gibbs, Chief Operating Officer at Oxford University Innovation and Lilly Bussmann, Principal at Oxford Science Enterprises, join Professor Irene Tracey for the latest podcast in the series Fire and Wire, which discusses innovation at Oxford.

The podcast episode follows the publication of the Government’s independent review of university spinouts, which Professor Irene Tracey co-chaired.

The review by Professor Irene Tracey, Vice-Chancellor of University of Oxford, and Dr Andrew Williamson, Managing Partner of Cambridge Innovation Capital, explores different ways through which UK universities have contributed to both societal and economic development. This review highlights the important role of universities in promoting innovation and the opportunity for the UK to rise to the highest rank in this area. Moreover, the review provides a set of considerations that will move the country at the leading edge of invention and creation of more successful spins out.  The Government has accepted all of the recommendations made by the review, details of which, alongside Government’s response, can be found here.

Listen to the podcast here


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