OASHN progressing evaluation of stroke diagnostic

Brainomix’s AI driven technology e-Stroke supports diagnosis

The Oxford AHSN is at the mid-point of a three-year real world evaluation looking into how artificial intelligence (AI) can support diagnostic imaging pathways in stroke care. We’re working with 33 sites across the country which have already implemented e-Stroke, developed by Oxford-based company Brainomix.

This technology supports clinical decision-making through AI interpretation of acute stroke brain scans, helping doctors to make the right choices about treatment. It also allows instant viewing and sharing of images with stroke clinicians which can speed up transfer to specialist stroke units for mechanical thrombectomy, a procedure which can save lives and prevent or limit long-term disability if initiated promptly. This work is part of the NHS AI in Health and Care Award received by Brainomix in 2021.

To read the initial findings of the e-Stroke evaluation, click here

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