On a World tour to share research findings

Managing a dual dissemination strategy for both academia and industry with my PhD research findings – latest blog from PhD student, Hannah Tornow

With my PhD being a collaboration with Advanced Oxford and deeply engaged with the activities and experiences of companies of the innovation ecosystem of Oxfordshire, it was clear from the beginning that there would be need to be a dual dissemination strategy for the results of my research.

I am delighted to share that I will be presenting my work at three academic conferences. Hence my world tour starts with academic dissemination over the course of the summer period.

The first conference I will be presenting at is the Gender Work & Organization conference (GWO) in Stellenbosch, South Africa. I will be debating challenges and opportunities after Covid to shape DEI policies (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) in the context of the Oxfordshire innovation ecosystem, aiming to develop strategies that support the promotion of inclusive innovation.

While the GWO conference examines the innovation ecosystem from a policy perspective, the next stop of my world tour will take me to Italy where the spotlight will be on the companies’ perspective. At the European Group for Organizational Studies conference (EGOS) in Cagliari, the focus will be on how organisational and ecosystem cultures shape innovation.

The summer stretch of the tour will close closer to home in the UK, and I will be presenting my research at the British Academy of Management conference (BAM) in Brighton. There I will be investigating the role of career satisfaction and the impact of masculine cultures on innovation in the Oxfordshire ecosystem.

Once the summer tour ends, and the conference-based academic dissemination is finalised, the autumn months will be dedicated to a regional tour around the Oxfordshire innovation ecosystem to ensure results are disseminated to industry. Keep your eyes peeled, soon there will be an update on dates and locations for the regional tour. I look forward to seeing you all and discussing the exciting findings of my PhD research. Have a great summer everyone and keep in touch!

P.S. Just to remind you, my research considers three different levels where innovation takes place. For the innovation ecosystem level, I am using ethnographic-inspired observation to understand the context and culture in which innovation thrives. The company-perspective uses interviews to take the culture, context and practices of companies into account. The employees’ perception is captured using surveys, aiming to understand how the individual perceives their role in innovation.Hence, the academic conferences focus on those three different angles.


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