Powering up for the Green Recovery – Advanced Oxford’s new study is open

There are many examples of Oxfordshire-based companies that are developing technology that will help us to transition to a greener, low carbon, more sustainable economy.  Advanced Oxford is undertaking a new study and will create case studies on a wide range of small businesses that are coming up with fresh ideas and technologies. The research will also produce a Directory of companies involved in the ecosystem, their areas of work and their technology. It will provide visibility across the breadth of innovation and increased opportunities for collaboration and networking.

Advanced Oxford’s research will also contribute to policy formation by providing insight, case studies, analysis and recommendations in support of growth.  We will examine what is needed to support the growth of these industries and technologies, looking at enablers and barriers to growth, with recommendations for action.

Sarah Haywood, Advanced Oxford’s Managing Director said, “This is an incredibly important time for the voice of innovative, science-based companies and organisations to be heard.  Government is looking at how to move from the current crisis to economic recovery.  The Knowledge Economy will be at the heart of future growth.  Our job is to provide evidence and insight from business to support decision making and policy development.”

Advanced Oxford plans to publish its report and recommendations on green recovery later in the year.  Details of the project, along with ways to get involved, including adding company details to the Directory and participating in our research, can be found on Advanced Oxford’s website https://www.advancedoxford.com/project/powering-up-for-a-green-recovery/

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