OxLEP skills support for employers 2022/23

Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) has responsibility at the regional level (county of Oxfordshire) for skills policy and support.  OxLEP Skills team provide a range of schemes and support focused on –

  • Volunteering within a school or college
  • Apprenticeship – unlocking apprenticeship levy funding, setting up and finding your first apprentice, grant funding
  • Mentoring
  • Community employment plans

Information about activities and support for 2023 can be found here Click here to open OxLEP Skills – Opportunities for Oxfordshire employers

Recent news

Celebrating a Petabyte of Data Collection

Celebrating a Petabyte of Data Collection

Last week, The Rosalind Franklin Institute celebrated collecting their first Petabyte of data at the Franklin.   The Rosalind Franklin Institute passed the milestone on the 4th May 2024 and marked the occasion with staff from both the Franklin and the STFC...

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Launch of the SparQ Quantum Computing Call

Launch of the SparQ Quantum Computing Call

The National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC) have just launched the SparQ Quantum Computing Call, in collaboration with STFC's Campus and Cluster Team.   This call is for business-led proof of concept projects within quantum computing. The initiative aims to...

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