Researchers based at Oxford Brookes Business School are conducting a survey that will gather information about business’ understanding of the UK government’s pledge to achieve net-zero, as well as examining business’ current planning and activity towards lowering carbon emissions.
The Net Zero Strategy sets out how the UK will deliver on its commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050. For an overview about the UK government’s policies and proposals for decarbonising all sectors of the UK economy to meet the net zero target by 2050, click here.
If you represent a small or medium sized enterprise (SME), that is, your business employs fewer than 250 members of staff, you are invited to participate in this research.
All responses to this study will be kept confidential. All data collected will be analysed and showcased anonymously. A final report showcasing aggregated data will be available via the webpage for the Oxford Regions, Innovation and Enterprise Lab (ORIEL). The data will only be accessible to the researchers involved in the study. Data files will be password encrypted, securely stored and never used on a shared computer. If you have any concerns about the conduct of the study you may contact the Chair of the Oxford Brookes University Research Ethics Committee [email protected].
To take part in this research project Please click here