(1) Advanced Oxford regularly undertakes mixed methods research on key issues relating to the innovation ecosystem within the Oxfordshire region.
(2) Qualitative data may be collected as part of our research. Typically, methods include surveys, questionnaires, interviews, workshops and focus groups.
(3) Personal data may be collected, stored and processed as part of our research activities. Typically this includes names, job titles, company names.
(4) Personal data is collected solely for the purposes of data analysis, for example to identify sectors of the economy.
(5) Personal data is stored securely within Advanced Oxford’s data systems and is not shared externally. Data is stored for the duration of the project.
(6) Any research participant may request information on any of their personal details/data held by Advanced Oxford, by e mailing [email protected].
(7) Contact details including e mails and telephone numbers may be requested. Typically, it will be optional for participants to provide this information. All contact details are stored in line with personal details (see 5 above).
(8) Contact details are requested for the sole purpose of communicating in relation to the research project through which they are provided. This may be to share the results of research or to invite participants to events relating to the research and research results.
(9) Any personal data that is in the public domain (e.g. e mail addresses on websites) or that has been provided for reasons other than participating in Advanced Oxford research (e.g. having shared details via LinkedIn or having participated in an Advanced Oxford event) is not covered by this privacy notice.
(9) No personal data will be disclosed within research reports or findings.
(10) No quotes, references or any statement that may identify a participant or their company/employer will be used in any report(s) or communication relating to the research without the express consent of the participant/company. Consent will be requested in advance of any publication of results.
(11) No commercially confidential information relating to a participant or their company/employer will be used in any report(s) or communication relating to the research.
(12) On occasions, Advanced Oxford may ask individuals/companies/organisations to support the development of case studies. Draft case studies will be shared with individuals/companies/organisations for revision and approval. Only approved case studies will be used/published.