Full STEAM ahead for Milton Park’s schools programme

Explore Milton Park inspires nearly 1,000 Didcot students to consider careers in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics.

Nearly 1000 local students from Didcot schools have participated in a range of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) activities facilitated by Milton Park.

Following successful careers panels and interview practice sessions, Explore’s recent events featured two ‘Trek Days’ where students visited Milton Park and the premises of various occupiers such as Tokamak Energy, Vertex Pharmaceuticals and Whittard of Chelsea. Students commented that the experience left them feeling genuinely “excited about future careers in science”, with the interactive sessions providing “a deeper look into the workplace”. You can watch video about the Trek Days here.

The programme has not only supported the students, their families and schools, it has also benefitted the Park’s volunteers. A total of 34 people from across 18 different companies at the Park have volunteered in the programme so far, with over 90% agreeing that the events have improved their understanding of young people and the best ways they can attract future talent.

“I’d encourage anyone based at Milton Park to get involved in this education programme as the experiences are rewarding for you and the young people involved. Businesses that are committed to tackling local skills gaps in STEAM and encouraging more people to work in our sector have a golden opportunity to make an important difference through Explore Milton Park.” – Jeannine Baker-Wilson, Senior Associate at Oberlanders, volunteered at one of the careers panels.

Further STEAM work experience and taster sessions are planned for November and December as part of the programme’s 2023 calendar of events. If you work at Milton Park and are interested in getting involved, please get in touch at [email protected] to find out more.

To find out more about Milton Park, visit here. 


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