Emerging Energy Tech – a report from Harwell Campus’s Energy Tech cluster and Tech Nation

The Harwell Campus Energy Tech cluster, working with Tech Nation, has released a new report that explores the development of the energy tech ecosystem. It highlights the unprecedented growth in global investment in the energy tech sector in 2021 (at $22.2bn, a rise of 124 percent from the $9.9bn raised in 2020). Conversely it also identifies how challenging it is for innovative energy tech companies to thrive and mature to later stages of growth, due to the technical, political, legal and financial complexities of commercialising breakthroughs for use at scale.

The report identified that clustering organisations together provides opportunities for cross-fertilisation to occur organically, which, when combined with the right infrastructure, will provide the confidence for investors to support sustainable long-term projects that solve societal problems.

Read the Emerging Energy Tech report here

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