OxLEP skills support for employers 2022/23

Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) has responsibility at the regional level (county of Oxfordshire) for skills policy and support.  OxLEP Skills team provide a range of schemes and support focused on – Volunteering within a school or college...
Developing skills, accessing support

Developing skills, accessing support

Advanced Oxford’s skill report – Attract, Retain, Grow, contains references to a number of organisations, institutions, providers and support which can help companies in relation to skills and training.  This list is not exhaustive but provides useful links for anyone...
Business support and advice

Business support and advice

Oxfordshire LEP (OxLEP) runs Oxfordshire’s growth hub, along with a number of business support schemes and innovation support for business.   Business support and the Innovation Support for Business programme is delivered by the local Growth Hub, operated...
STEM work experience, placements and internships

STEM work experience, placements and internships

This page is designed for employers.  If you are a student, interested in work experience or a placement, please talk to your school or University/College careers service.  For students under the age of 18, we recommend that you take a look at The Oxford Trust website...